
Chapter 73 WWIII

Everyone can sense that the situation throughout the world has reached a dead end. The question remaining in people's minds is not will there be a world war 3 but rather, when? When will WWIII break out? Anyone who is realistic realizes that according to the types and amounts of weapons the countries possess, there is no way anyone can protect themselves and stay alive - at least, no way short of a miracle.

We wrote this page in order to bring to you all an explanation of the situation the world is in today. We even found an amazingly accurate description of this situation and the situation we are about to face, in the words of our Sages, z"l, from around two-thousand years ago, an in the words of our holy prophets who were alive even before that.

We will bring clarifications on all of this, as well, G-d Willing.

Rabbi Yitzchak said: (Yalkut Shimoni, Yishayahu 60)

"In the year when the king, Moshiach will be revealed, all the kings of the nations of the world are provoking each other. The king of Paras (Iran) is provoking the Arab king (Saudi Arabia) and then the Arab King will turn to Edom (U.S.A.) for advice.

The king of Paras will then go and destroy the world. And all the nations of the world (that remain) will shout from terror, fall upon their faces in fear and undergo such horrible pains as strong as labor pains.

And the Jewish people will shout from fear and say, "to where do we turn?! To where do we run?"

And He will say unto them (Hashem), my children, do not be afraid; all that I have done here, I have done only for you. What do you fear? The time for your Redemption has arrived!"


Rabbi Yitzchak said: [2000 years ago!] In the year when the king, Moshiach will be revealed [what will happen in the year Moshiach will be revealed], all the kings of the nations of the world are provoking each other [threats of war will be heard all over the world].

The king of Paras [the president of Iran] is provoking the Arab king [threatening the king of Saudi Arabia - the only country who still has the word "arab" in its name - with war]

and then the Arab King will turn to Edom for advice [the king of Saudi Arabia will turn to the western countries led by the U.S.A. for advice on how to react to the Iranian threats].

The king of Paras will then go and destroy the world [it is quite obvious that one cannot destroy the whole world with conventional weapons. In this case it is obviously referring to nuclear weapons. "the world" of course means most of the world, not the whole planet].

And all the nations of the world [the countries that will remain, see in Zecharia 13, the prophecy that says that 2/3 of the world will be destroyed] will shout from terror, fall upon their faces in fear and undergo such horrible pains as strong as labor pains [the whole world will be gripped with such a fear, since it is known that nuclear weapons can mean only one thing and that is: certain death].

And the Jewish people will shout from fear [they will be afraid that Iran may attack Israel, as well] and say, "to where do we turn?! To where do we run?"

And He will say unto them (Hashem), my children, do not be afraid; all that I have done here, I have done only for you [everything Hashem will do is for the Jews, to destroy the reign of the wicked Edom, to eradicate evil from the world and allow the Moshiach, our righteous king to take over the kingdom]. Why do you fear? The time for your Redemption has arrived!

What is written above refers to the destruction of two thirds of the nations of the world. However, if Am Yisrael does not return to Hashem and do teshuva, G-d Forbid, their situation may also become much worse.

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היום - 03/07/24