Questions And Answers with Daniel. Part 1. From FC with Daniel at: 18-Jan-2007 and 30-Jan-2007. Daniel doesn't know English, but his "Neshama" (soul) knows... There where few questions about "Zivugim", "Parnasa" and health, so Daniel started with that. Thank you, Daniel's father.
Daniel: I want to welcome all the people that are visiting our website, we are living in difficult times, and it's so important to see the truth in this world. Whether you see it directly from the "Sfarim" (books), which is definitely a better place to see it from, or you see it on a website from a autistic, which is a lower place to see it from. The important thing is to see it and to do Hashem's will.
That's the point in life to see the truth, and to do Hashem's will, and hopefully we all will be saved, and merit to greet Mesiach Zidkeynu.
ZIVUGIM To all those who asked about Zivugim, I can't answer individually everyone. I just want to explain that in Zivugim, there are many reasons why people don't seem to find their Zivug, either at all Has-Vesahlom, or maybe later in life, or maybe after a few tries, a few marriages. In our generation it's a much bigger problem than in other generations. 1.There is a great "ANOCHIYUT" selfishness in the world in this particular generation. And that selfishness causes a lot of people to pass by their true Zivug, because they don't feel like giving in, giving up what they want, this is a big problem. 2.There are people who just don't find their Zivug. They never find their Zivug, or may have multiple marriages, marriage divorce, marriage divorce. These are Tikunim that have to be done. And the important thing about it with everything we suffer is - to always be "BSIMCHA", happy and close to Hashem, doing His will. And if we do that, then for sure we will make our Tikun. 3.There are people who are looking for Zivugim and do finally find them and maybe they are not so happy with their Zivug. They go through life upset and angry situation. This should never be, whoever your Zivug is, make the best of it. Don't come down because of your Zivug in your work with Hashem. Bring your Zivug up, Live together with the person even though it's not exactly your cup of tea, so to speak, because this is your Tikun. Sometimes "GITIN" are necessary, other times you just have to keep going. The most important thing is to make a home full of Kdusha and Simcha.
ILLNESS For people that are ill: Much of the illnesses of today have to do with the lake "ZNIUT" (Modesty), for the woman and for the man. It's obvious that the modern jewish woman has become just a Barbi-doll. A Barbi-doll that keeps certain minimum "Dinim", very minimum. This Jewish beauties pull the eyes of all the men that they pass in the street. Many husbands enjoy the attention their wives are getting. Skirts too tight and too short, tops too tight, necklines too open and revealing, stockings too light, too see through. And of course many woman wear shoes that make a lot of noise and attract a lot of attention. This is considered an abomnation in heaven, and cause many "AVEROT" (sins) to happened. A beautifull woman who flaunts her beauty in the street causes many men to look at her and to think things that are "Averot" (sinful). She will be punished, and he will be punished ! But the illnesses that people suffer, are not "DAVKA" (because) they are the ones that are doing the wrong things. They are the ones that pay the price. The ones that do the wrong thing are the reason for all our suffering. So I beg everyone, Please, Please, the men, the women, Please, Please, keep your minds on Kodesh! Don't let your wife go to the street and make men look at her! Don't raise your children in an atmosphere of Pizza, Bowling and Dvds. Please, Please, Please, save the next generation, and come back to Kdusha (Holiness).
PARNASSA The lack of Parnassa is causing Jew's to pray to Hashem to bring them a Yeshua and Parnassa. That's what Hashem expects from us. The reason for problems for Parnassa is that Hashem wants us to pray and come close to Him, and to realize that only He gives Parnassa, no one else. Pray with all of your heart and with complete trust in Hashem.
Daniel answers:
Title: Baal Teshuva Ask: R. from Johannesburg (08-Jan-2007) Question: I am a nice guy Baal Teshuva but it is hard... Daniel: I know it's very hard to be a Baal Teshuva, but that's your tikun. So you better do it, and you better do it "BSimcha" (happily). Because if you don't, you will be in a bigger problem than you think.
Title: Message from shamayim. Ask: M. from Lakewood. (08-Jan-2007) Question: What message does Shamayim have for me at this time? Daniel: It's a very interesting question. I can only ask you - Why do you think you should have a message from Shamayim ? Do You think you are so great that you can type in a question to a website and get an answer from Shamayim ? And anyway, why are you looking in the internet ? You are suppose to be sitting and learning...
Title: Prayers for our Health. Ask: Chaya from Georgia. (09-Jan-2007) Question: Dear Daniel, I liked your website very much. I wanted to ask you to please keep me in your prayers for my health. My name to daven for is Chaya.... Thank you! Daniel: Chaya and all the ill of Am Yisrael, I ask Hakadosh-Baruch-Hu to give you all Refua-Shlema (a complete recovery). And I ask all the readers of the website to keep in mind all Holey-Amo-Yisrael that they should all have - "Refua-Shlema-Beguf-uBanefesh".
Title: Deepest desire. Ask: Chava from N.Y. (21-Jan-2007) Question: Will my deepest desire happen? I have tried my best and have no more koach. Please, help me. Thank you. Daniel: I can't really tell you, Chava, if you are going to get your deepest desire, I can only pray that if your Deepest desire is to be close to Hashem, and if that is you do, then all of your whishes, if they are the right ones, will for sure be answered positively.
Title: Messiach. Ask: Brent, Sydney Question: Hi Could you please ask Daniel or friends more about Moshiach, can they give some details about him without revealing him. Does Moshiach know that he is Moshiach yet?. Is he in the land of Israel or outside? Has the effects of Moshiach been felt in the world yet if so what? How old is he? etc. I enjoyed reading the site as it was posted on My blessings to you and your family. Daniel: The only thing that you didn't ask me Brent, what passport number does Massiach have. He is definitely here, because in every generation Massiach comes. However the Neshama of Massiach doesn't go into the person untill He is ready to be revealed, so we are waiting. It should be very soon, because if you only read the Nevuot, you'll see that almost every Nevua has allready happaned, and we are waiting now for the final climax of what supposed to be. So I bench us all to "Zoyche" (merit) really, to see the end and to be saved with all the Jewies and we should "Zoyche" (merit) Massiach Zidkeynu.
Title: Tehillim Ask: Leah from Yerushalayim (09-Jan-2007) Question: Are some people more connected to Sefer Tehillim with a special connection? leah bas esther. Daniel: Yes, there are many people that are connected to "Tehillim" especially. However, Tehillim is for everyone.
Some people feel it more deeply, and some people less, but it's very worthwhile for all to say Tehillim, if possible every single day. It's brings big Yeshuot, and it brings us much closer to Kadosh-Baruch-Hu.
Title: Thillim. Ask: Leah from Yerushalayim. (29-Jan-2007) Question: I had sent my question in before about Tehillim, but I wasn't specific. So I'll elaborate: there's something called the "birthday perek" in Tehillim, meaning that a newborn's perek would be perek #1, a three year old's perek would be #4, a twenty year old's perek is #21 etc. At a certain point, I noticed that my birthday perek often has VERY direct references to things that apply to me that year. Not general things but very specific, for example, the only year that I went touring northern Eretz Yisrael with my family, was perek 42 which mentions Chermonim. The year we bought our apartment and moved was "Mizmor shir chanukas habayis". There are many more examples. I was wondering if there is such a thing as having a special connection to Tehillim and what does this mean. I know that everyone is connected to Tehillim, but i never heard of this type. Leah Yerushalayim. Daniel: Leah from Yerushalayim, I want to tell you that I'm very jealous of you. To be able to look into the Tehillim of your year and see whats happening is a very great thing. Hashem is showing you directly that He is connected with you, that He is with you. It's a very great thing and don't take it lightly.
Title: Daniel Ask: liz c. Question: You are a lovely boy, and i am very sad you cannot learn Torah, i hope with all my heart that HKB will sweeten your tikkun. So that you may have some inner peace, as now you are helping people to do teshuva. Daniel: First of all I want to thank you, that my tikun is easier than most normall people, Because I can't do Averos (Sins) I can't fall, I can't lies either, so its much easier for me than for you. I bench you, I bless you that you also should fullfill your tikun, and that all of us together, should bring Massiach Zidkeynu.